RightsTracker | PageMajik

Manage asset and copyright requirements
RightsTracker facilitates management of photo research and licensing, image sourcing, and rights, permissions and clearance procedures for print and digital content.

How can RightsTracker help you?
You can view all assets uploaded for a project and manage the permission requirement, right from request for permissions, follow-up, and update of permissions. Image research, finalization, and permissions management for new assets are also facilitated.
Review materials submitted by looking into the permission sourcing information form and determine whether permission is required or not. Initiate permission acquisition where required.
Initiate and follow up on permission acquisition requests with the relevant stakeholders. Clear ambiguity around parameters such as territory, language, term limit, and print and digital quantities.
On obtaining permission, update the asset information in the system with the permission details and the invoice for tracking and compliance.
Based on the asset requirement, conduct image research and identify possible options and associated cost, approval, and permission acquisition information.
Track usage against permission obtained while being mindful of the expiration of the license to use.
Getting Started
Take control of all the assets associated with the project and start managing these with a single click on your project.
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RightsTracker helps manage all data pertaining to an image such as permissions acquisition, contributor and model releases, invoices, and rights-holder information.
100% Visibility. No last-minute surprises.
Every image submitted is automatically accessible to you. There is complete visibility, and this allows you to embark on permission acquisition/clearance in the early stages of the content development phase.
Author experience
RightsTracker is integrated with SmartSubmit, PageMajik's submission module. You can easily interact with the author or leave comments, thereby providing a rich author experience and quickly gaining the attention of the author.
Allows you to keep a record of several categories of assets such as photo, text, animated video clip, excerpt, figure, exhibit, and table.
You can upload researched images against an image request.
Placeholder for recording associated information such as original/pickup source, rights holder details, credit line, credit line positioning requirements, cost, and notes against each image.
Permission request to the relevant permission holder can be initiated from here.
Granular detailing of permission parameters such as Permission Formats (Ebook, Digital/LMS, Custom, Printed Textbook/Ancillary, Electronic Ancillary), Territory, Language, Term Limit (Edition, number of times, print run), print and digital quantity, permission start/end dates.
Group multiple images by permission stakeholder and initiate a request for permission.
Track permission requests and configure automated reminders.
Update permission information against the request and track compliance.
Store invoice details and have everything assimilated in one place for future reference.
Upload model release, contributor agreement, permission source information form, permission letter or contract against each asset.
Review the various images researched, approve, and release.
RightsTracker allows you to provision a budget for each project and shows the spend as you identify and source assets and photographs, and clear permissions.
The length of copyright protection is not indefinite. After a specific period, during which the author or the author's heirs benefit exclusively from the created work, it passes into public domain.
The length of copyright protection is not indefinite. After a specific period, during which the author or the author's heirs benefit exclusively from the created work, it passes into public domain.
Period = Life of the author + 70 years

Besides periodical enhancements for better user experience, the following are featured in the roadmap.
Tracking usage and automatically updating permissions. Automated alert to relevant stakeholders.
Tracking expiry of permissions and automated alerts to relevant stakeholders. Locking usage on expiry and renewing access only when fresh permission is obtained.
Various permissions trackers and dashboards for statistical analysis.

See PageMajik in action
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